Our Services

Our team of marine biologists, fisheries scientists, aquaculturists and geneticists ensure that SeaGen Aquaculture is equipped with the latest science, technology and ethical treatment of animals related to fish husbandry, restocking and recovery. Like you, we want our animals to have the best chance of surviving and thriving on your farm or in the wild.

Ready to work with us? Please Contact Us. We would love to partner with you!

Our Services

Shellfish Hatchery

We offer commercial oyster, mussel and scallop hatchery services to farmers around Australia

Fish Hatchery

We grow marine fish for farms, restocking and conservation so there’s plenty of fish to catch and eat


We’re passionate about using aquaculture to  recover  threatened marine species and ecosystems

Seaweed Farming

We create and store a range of seaweed cultures to support farming and conservation