Our People

Chris Gillies, PhD | Managing Director

Chris has spent the last 15 years regenerating threatened marine ecosystems like shellfish reefs and coastal wetlands. He established several innovative, conservation finance tools and led the development of national citizen science and corporate learning programs, engaging thousands of people in ocean sustainability.

Chris has made it his life’s mission to help realise the recovery of our oceans through sustainable ventures that mobilize conscious capital into smart, win-win solutions that benefit both people and nature.

Ian Gibbs | Director

Ian has enjoyed a lifestyle on or close to oceans and coastal fringes.  He studied oceanography and marine biology in the 70’s and is now re-kindling his interest and investment capital in sustainable marine ecosystems, particularly in conservation and aquaculture, so future generations will benefit from our proactive decisions today.

Bennan Chen, PhD | Head of Production

Bennan is responsible for overseeing our hatchery operations and fish production. Bennan has over 25 years as fish researcher and hatchery manager, working through Asia and Australia. He has cultivated many different fish species including ornamentals, prawns, seahorses, snapper, kingfish, mulloway and flathead.

Kim Weston | Shellfish Manager

Kim is responsible for producing oysters, mussels and scallops and overseeing our shellfish operations. Kim is an experienced shellfish hatchery manager, consistently producing high quality Sydney rock oysters, native ‘angasi’ oysters and blue mussels for the NSW and Victorian oyster industries. Kim has a degree in aquaculture from Deakin University. 

Kaylia  Bannister | Phycologist 

Kaylia works as our phycologist, responsible for the hatchery’s microalgae production systems. Kaylia has previously worked as a keeper of live exhibits, aquatic wildlife technician and aquarium specialist and has a degree in zoology and animal science from Deakin University.

Hervey Doerr-Rolley | Aquatic Life and Systems Operative 

Hervey is responsible for managing, maintaining and refining husbandry/production of the various aquatic organisms produced on site, alongside data collation across all precincts. Hervey has a background producing commercial quantities of finfish and bivalves as well as ornamental species, plants and algae. Hervey has a Bachelor of Marine Science with Distinction

Mic Shipley | System design and seaweeds

Mic is responsible for our system design and managment and seaweed cultures. Mic has 15 years experience in aquaculture predominantly as a bivalve and microalgae specialist, including 10 years as staff and manager at the Victorian Shellfish Hatchery.

Kylie Barrett, BA | Marketing and Communications

Kylie has over 20 years’ experience across communications, strategic planning and advisory services, working for governments and the private sector in Australia and the United Kingdom. Kylie is experienced in public, private and not-for-profit partnerships with a focus on delivering infrastructure and social value.

Want to volunteer to get some experience in aquaculture?

YOU | Volunteer Technician

Interested in volunteering in one of our nurseries? You’ll need at least a day free a week, lots of energy and a willingness to learn! Register your interest by Contacting Us